Thursday, June 4, 2009


Man! Where have I been for almost the last month? Hmmm... not really in my garden. My small tomato plants had scarcely survived The Turnover Move from Bubby, and then the lack of rain and sudden heat over the weekend took care of most of the rest of them. I was playing violin for a wedding, and I didn't even think about those poor plants! I know, I'm a bad mommy.

Aunt Mo alerted me to the fact that the end of this week is good for planting. So, I ran to Lowe's yesterday and bought more tomato plants. Got them in the ground this morning-- and afternoon. In the beautiful, drizzly rain. I used to think my mother was a caricature of the crazy gardener who had to get those plants in the ground, in the rain, of all things! But now, I've realized that gardening is actually a lot more pleasant in the rain.

At 1:00, we came in hungry, tired, and well-exercised. The kids took it upon themselves to start a bath. After I got Bubby's shirt unbuttoned, things went a little more smoothly (haha!). My babies really are growing up. I prepared lunch while they splashed around. After I dried them off, they found their own clothes and got dressed by themselves. They're all taking sweet naps right now; I think the gardening and rain wore them out, too.

The count:
2 German Queen (heirloom)
6 Better Boy (hybrid, I know, but all the old-timers love this variety)
1 cherry tomato (100-something variety?)

Now, here's the rub. I planted these babies right in the middle of a fire ant bed. Amdro, methinks? Or will the ants figure it out? Ug.

(ideas, anyone?)